Thursday, March 30, 2006

Cypher Camp 2006 + School.....

Finally, the proposed camp date is approved and the committee is gonna work hard for the next few weeks while school is starting in 2 weeks time!! Can't believe that the holidays are ending and my PP is still halfway through.

The dates for Cypher Camp 2006 - 28th April to 1st May 2006. Hope the freshmen will not mind as there will be more than 300 to 500 participants, making it the first biggest camp in RP history!! Anyway, I'm also assigned as OIC for the PBL Orientation for SA, OIC for CCA Launch and AIC for Cypher Camp 2006. Kinda busy till June since SA is having Selection Camp in June.

Praise God that I'm able to go church camp which is held on 4th to 8th June 2006. Looks like I've a busy schedule and I hope that I can really survive through. Shenlynn mei, thanks for the encouragement and I won't skip any church activities.

Cell was cool today. Just that I was slightly busy with my phone. Hai..... As usual, business seems big each day. Hope I can sustain the next matriculation on 3rd and 4th April! Aud, hope you are still attending camp and hope to see you soon. There's lot to settle, calling the helpers, participants and hopefully, we can have the best Cypher Camp in history of RP!

Be Blessed!

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