Friday, August 29, 2008

Transformation: School of Supernatural Worship & Arts

Finally, the Transformation conference that I was looking forward to, came to past and now what? During this week, I felt a bit lost. I guess it's the so-called after all these impartation, where to go and what do I do with it? Been searching my heart and asking whether I'm willing to give God my 100%. If yes, how do I get activated consistently?

During the entire week of Transformation, God really gave me a wake up call to re-instill His heart for worshippers, His heart for the lost, His heart for the nations and His heart for a heart-cry song from each and everyone of us. I've learnt new stuff and revelation upon certain topics and best of all, it really turned my world upside down. As deep as it can hurt, I believe it's gonna be worth it. I went up for prayer and this is the moment of my life.


Renee Cooper prayed for me and with me and I was amazed at what she prayed about. The most memorable moment is when she spread my hands as if I was flying. Best of all, she didn't even know that in the morning, I had a similar experience with the Lord, flying around during the worship time when we were on stage for intercession. And I know the Lord took away my hurts in that instant when she was praying for me. WOW!

Renee praying for Gee Yean kor

Rachel & Renee Cooper

Dan McCollam (Dano) prayed for me as well. As he was praying, he gave two tough words but good for me to move on. He prayed that I'll never ever go dry again. And he didn't know that I was going through a dry season. He prayed that I'll go deep and dig deeper wells to retrieve water for the season thus I'll not go dry again. Then, as for song writing, he prayed that I'll write songs into intimacy with God. Most people would write songs out of the intimacy with God aka their relationship with God. But in this case, I guess I'm going to learn by writing till I'm in the intimacy with the living God. I find it amazing at how God brought these people to bless the church.

Dano & Kenny

Joey Curtin & Cheryl Tan

Finally, at the end of each day of the conference, I feel that God is giving new piece of revelation for the supernatural and I'm learning to piece them together with my friends. :P Be sure to hear a song soon and it just amazes me. Lord, take over and have full control.

Be Blessed!