Friday, September 29, 2006

Thanksgiving + Blessings!

It's been quite a blessed season ever since the Sept holidays, Poly Forum 2006 till now. Yesterday, I went for cell group, after a long break as I was playing for Youth Service and rested after last day of Poly Forum. Brought Kit to cell and it was interesting. I guess my cell would agree with that.

Koen was sick and I hope he's getting well though. Tomorrow, Koen and Kit (plus Kenny, the 3 'K's) will be coming for Youth Service and Paradise worship team is leading us in the time of worship and the Word. Interestingly, I've been really blessed by the responses of my Poly Forum mates and of course, the financial blessings and other means of blessings.

Kenny + Koen

Kenny + Kit

Through it all, I hope I can truly be a leader of influence in all aspects of my life. I hope to be clear of my future path. Many blessings such as bursary, job opportunities, DSTA scholarship invite, etc. Looking forward to tomorrow and Sunday's Poly Forum (PF) meeting at Settler's Cafe.

Thank God for the blessings and giving Him all the glory. It's definitely not me. It's the Almighty God, the Father. All glory to Him.

Be Blessed!

In God's Love,
History Maker

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Happy Birthday, Ee-Lyn!!

Happy Birthday, Ee-Lyn!! It's your ..... lost count..... birthday. I hope Singapore Dreaming wasn't that boring for you. Anyway, had a great chat with you and hope you will enjoy your day today.

Hope to see you soon.....

Be Blessed!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

One Way, Jesus!!

An eventful Saturday, as usual, we had sound check at 1:45pm and this is my second time playing and in a row of two weeks since Tehillah is on for duty. Oliver is away therefore, I'm taking over. It's kinda cool for the band as we transit into another level of spiritual atmosphere. Always changing and adapting to it still. It can be a challenge.

Notice that today, I'm more prepared and ready to lead worship as a guitarist. The team was ready and whatever mistakes we make, we make it with a smile and worship God. Nothing much was on my mind though. I really enjoyed myself today. Trying to get rid of bad habits and living life as God-centred as much as possible. There's only ONE WAY!! That's Jesus. PSP (Pre-Service Prayer) was fantastic. In fact, I really appreciate the fact that some of the music ministry fellows commented about my playing and encouraging me to go for it. I'm still in the midst of building up confidence and hope to reach to the stage of just following the Holy Spirit. =)

Overall, it was great effort by the team. Spilt water on my bag when holding Jean's guitar. Didn't realize that I actually opened up my bottle. Thank God that it didn't spill on her guitar. Oops..... better not spill on it. No money to pay. LOL. Met up with Justin after a nice dinner with the music ministry people today. It was awesome. Had a nice chat on the phone with my good friend. Kinda good after updating each other about our lives. Hope to see my good friend soon.

Justin + Kenny
Both of us look really tired.

Justin looks cool in his police uniform, although it's half uniform. I wore what my sister bought for me in Hong Kong. She got the best taste ever. Looks like I'm blessed with a great sister. She's smart, adorable, lovely. Just hope that she don't scream at me and hope she will come to church one fine day. Love her to the core. =) She's never irritating I guess. We just love privacy. LOL.

But I guess there's only ONE WAY!! And I hope she will return to Him one day. Pray that she will excel in her studies and hope she will confide in my often.

Blessed Saturday. Blessed week ahead. It's Poly Forum 2006 - 18th to 21st Sept 2006. Away from my laptop and I guess it's better to live in a relaxed life for the next few days.

Loving God always & knowing Him more!
Be Blessed!

In God's Love,
History Maker

Friday, September 15, 2006

Last Day of Work + Cell Outing!!

It's almost the end of the day and although I've wished my little sister, Lynn..... here's another birthday wish before the day passes by. Happy Birthday, Lynn!! It's been quite a while since I've known her. Thank God for such a wonderful mei I have. You've been a blessing.

Today is my last day working at World Partners Solutions. Though I'm not working anymore, my boss offered me to work once every month during the third week as data capturing is needed for the cisco devices. I'm sure it's a cool thing and furthermore, I enjoy this work that is given to me. Probably, I'll continue to work there and intending to submit my C.V to them before December. Still considering whether I should try out companies like Apple, etc. It's been a pleasure to work with Kay Kiat and Wong (my boss). Though it's only 9 days (that's kinda short).

Received my cheque (but gonna treat due to certain reasons) and keeping it for future use. After that, went to meet my cell for a time of bowling and a game of pool. Though I thought of saving the money, but I guess sometimes, money gotta be spent. I pray that I'll put in that faith that God will bless me and provide me with everything I need. I believe in that strongly and I believe that God is the Lord of Providence. Thank God for everything in my life. Though I can get tired at times, but all I need is Him. Really!! Presenting our bowlers of the day:

Cell Leader a.k.a Da-Jie: Wen Jie

Worship Co-ordinator, Treasurer: Esther

The Bowler..... Guess who??

Yes, it's him..... Gabriel Ng!

Gabriel Sim..... our joker for the day!

Gab Sim

Gab Sim again! The star for today. LOL.

Gab Ng..... What is he doing??

Gotta rest soon as I'm playing for service tomorrow. First time playing with Joline! And Lynn mei is singing!! LOL. Hope to be more lively and to honour God, I shall sleep early tonight. Gonna bathe, upload pics and sleep.

Kenny + Gab Ng (red) + Gab Sim (black)

Esther + Wen Jie

Esther + Kenny

Scores..... having fun absolutely.....

To God be the Glory for my job, future, ministry and all that is within Him and me.

Be Blessed!

In God's Love,
History Maker

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Miracles + Fellowship!!

Miracles..... often this word seldom make sense or appear to us strongly. We heard about it, we speak of it, we asked of it and yet nothing happened. But incidentally, espeically today, Kay Kiat and I really felt that God was there for us all the way. At KKH, we were clearing the last few risers and it was quite a breeze and we appreciate the people over there, helping us to get through all the things we need to check.

At CGH, the miracles happened..... we were looking for some risers and happened that one of them couldn't be opened using the master key!! We were shocked at it for a while till we got hold of the person-in-charge. She was trying practically every key and it didn't open. Finally, when she tried again, during the last key, I prayed that it will be opened! It opened. Strange, why didn't it open during the first attempt? Another instance was the one at the gym, where the riser room is not labelled and Kay Kiat felt like opening the store room, therefore, he tried and it opened!! Strange but cool I guess.

Ended work at 5pm. Thank God! Met Lisa at Tampines and went to my area before I got hold of the car and send ourselves to church. Ate dinner and had a great jamming/practice session for Saturday's Youth Service. After that practice, my hand hurted a lot. Think need to let it rest and relax the muscles. E/G# is a killer chord for me now. *sigh* anyway, it was fun playing with the band today. Quite relax, that I can say.

I enjoyed the fellowship after the practice where 6 of us were in the car. Sounds like car-whoring hor..... Sent the following people home..... Shan Yu, Iain, Joshua, Lisa and Shawn. Imagine travelling from church (Margaret Drive) to Potong Pasir (Shan Yu), to Yio Chu Kang (Iain - for his supper khaki), to Yishun (Joshua), to Tampines (Lisa) and finally to Marine Parade (Shawn). It was fun as I never travelled to many places at one shot within an hour!! It was really fun and good practice after a long while. Especially when Josh always make us laugh. He got skill sia..... Thanks for all the fun!!

With all these fun and miracle day, I realized that God is always with us and always be there for us thru the good, fun, bad and whatever situation we are in. That's a promise. He will never forsake us, not depart from us. God's love is just too great to measure.

Loving God with all my might, strength, soul and mind.

Be Blessed!

In God's Love & Wonders,
History Maker

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Blessings, Blessings & Blessings!! So blessed, I can't contain it. Saw my results and I was amazed at it. Although I didn't do very well this semester, I felt that it was rather alright though I'm disappointed to a certain extent.

Overall, I did quite well. This time round, I got 3.5 for my GPA which is my minimum benchmark all this while. Cumulative of 3.71 now, from the previous 3.76. Anyway, I'm happy that I passed my FYP. For the matter of fact, I'm pretty blessed as I got a job that really made my life vibrant and this job is easy and enjoyable. Moving from hospital to hospital, learning the way of networking and how network devices are placed, etc.

I was thinking of closing down my business until my friend called me and asked me to service her wireless network. I didn't expect her to pay but in the end, she paid me. The amount was sufficient for me to renew my home office business. Thank God for the many blessings today. Formed my FYP team for next semester and I'm gonna glorify God by doing well for my last and final semester before going into the marketplace.

That's all for now. Practicing my guitar and resting soon. Hope to see all my friends soon. Miss them loads!

Be Blessed!

In God's Love & Protection,
History Maker

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Special Moments!

Today's my first time playing for Youth Service in COOS. Prior to that, Juz and I met up for lunch and I met my mentor for a short time to catch up. After a long while of being an understudy. I believe in patience. Looking back, I guess I've learnt a lot from many others in the ministry. Why is it a special moment for me?

Juz with his food!

Lunch at Meridian!

For a long period of time, I've been re-conditioning my heart issues and I believe that I've slowly cleared it away and it's a special moment as I serve the Lord and learning to experience Him in and out of worship sessions. Putting worship as my lifestyle anytime, anywhere. Justin and I went shopping the other time and bought ourselves a long sleeve shirt each. Wore it for service and I really liked it a lot! Thanks Juz! He is really a special friend with a servant's heart. I wish that I'll learn from him and influence many youths in time to come!

Kenny + Juz! We look smart, don't we?

Buddies! Juz chose my shirt.

Pre-service prayer was really awesome yesterday. That was a moment for me more than the worship time. Josh led the session and we spent all the time till almost service time. I enjoyed the session very much. As much as we can go on and on, what matters most is our entire life. I struggle with major issues in life as I draw near to graduation. Nevertheless, I believe that God has a great plan for me. I hope that I can constantly listen to Him and be clear of the directions He gives.

Our Worship Leader, Chris! =)

Comments were made during debrief and I totally agree that we shouldn't 'warm up' during the first two songs. John really give a great foresight in this. I think the team is really new and furthermore, some of us have not been playing for quite some time. Even for me, I seldom practice and now is the time to keep practicing and figuring new ways to explore more.

Overall, I really enjoyed myself and I hope we'll enjoy worshipping our God coz He rox! All glory to God and thank God for giving us the opportunity to worship Him and leading people into worship.

Be Blessed!

In God's Love,
History Maker

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Music Practice + Work!!

As usual..... today, we went to various locations. Went to SGH (Singapore General Hospital) today. Their datacenter is kinda cool. Compared to CGH, I prefer SGH's datacenter. I guess it's dependent on the people we interact. I truly believe that guys who work in the Healthcare industry seems to be unfriendly. Especially those dealing with the IT equipment.

At SGH Datacenter

Dealing with messy cables each day

Part of the entire mess.....

Time was running out as we had lunch and went to SNEC (National Eye Centre) but no avail. No one was free to help us open up the risers, equipment rooms, etc. We were asked to go CGH again and we went there. Started our work around 4pm and gotta see someone that we didn't really appreciate. Anyway, the equipment in the risers are easy to identify!! It took merely an hour to complete our work on level 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and A&E level 1.

Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series - Now I see this big stuff!

Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series
Another big chassis!

These few days were times that Kay Kiat and I are knowing each other better, especially the slack portion. Both of us are work meniacs as well as being slackers of the world. What made me upset was the use of a certain language. I guess it's up to him bah..... Bro, change hor..... if not, it will upset me further. Actually, I'm not supposed to be the main factor. LOL.

A smile a day keeps the workload away

Kay Kiat (Luke) + Kenny
Visitor Passes for Entry

After the tiring work, our boss kindly sent us to the respective places. As for me, he sent me to church. Guess my guitar was occupying his van and he got no choice. But nevertheless, he is really nice to us. Glad that God provided a good boss like him. Music practice was good. I never had a great practice like this. I mean we had different playing styles. Jon was really trying hard to help us. Cheryl and Alina are great partners. Dex and I knew each other's playing styles. Shawn was really great today..... Everything fall into place. Chris was really into it although he was tired. I guess we had our piece of fun.

Tomorrow is a day of relaxation, bonding session and maybe training session. Should have training no matter how many people come. Relationships does help the band move further. I hope that God will use me. I believe He will and I believe that I need to change and allow Him to come into my life and shape me. I'm praying in my heart that He will change me, mould me.

Daisy..... how many types of daisy flowers are there??

Enough for today. Let the pictures speak!

Be Blessed!

In God's Love,
Kenny Ong

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

AITE In Action!!

Today, the AITEs (Assistant IT Engineers) were in action when they were on-site at Sengkang and Pasir Ris Polyclinic. Went to Geylang Polyclinic during the first stop. Took bus 80 to Sengkang and had a good morning rest. Then Kay Kiat and I waited for that bus 89 till we almost curse and swear! (Thank God we didn't..... but we grumbled)

At Sengkang Polyclinic..... Work in Action!

Wah! Many cables, many devices!
Networking is fun!

Kay Kiat (Luke) in Action!

That's my working partner, committee member!!
Republic Poly rox!

Cisco Catalyst Chassis

It was fun till we reached CGH (Changi General Hospital) for our tagging and inventory check. It's fun but the admin work piles up and I have to clear them later before I can take a good rest tonight. Probably will take a good 30 mins to clear everything. Tomorrow is a long day as we are not going to CGH since we were treated badly. Even my boss thinks that the guy was nasty to us. Poor us!!

At Pasir Ris Polyclinic

Tagging is what we do as part of the job

Tagged many devices! Got lots more to do!

WOW! This is just a fraction.....

Ended half a day..... More to go!

Gonna be at SGH (Singapore General Hospital) from tomorrow onwards and see if the situation changes. Anyway, we realized that MEN working in the Healthcare industry have serious ATTITUDE problems. They probably need to get a jab from the doctor to control their emotions and their EQ problems.

Starting my work now and later practice for tomorrow's music practice. Need to go now!

Be Blessed!

In God's Love,
History Maker

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Work In Progress!

Finally, I'm in the WIP mode! Work In Progress! Been working for 2 days and I'm still awake and fresh! Yesterday, Kay Kiat and I were doing admin work. Today, we did a lot of exercise, travelling like Amazing Race.

We went from Outram Park to Bukit Merah then to Queenstown via our boss's van. Thereafter, we started our MRT ride from Queenstown to Geylang and I met my friend at Geylang Polyclinic. Kinda cool though. She's doing her attachment there. Due to some time issues, we went ahead to Marine Parade first without doing anything at Geylang Polyclinic. Then we proceeded to Bedok, followed by Tampines and finally, Pasir Ris. When we reached Pasir Ris Polyclinic, it was such a disappointment that we cannot take a look since the people in charge were at their meetings.

Tomorrow, we'll conquer Geylang, Seng Kang and Pasir Ris Polyclinic. After that, we will proceed to CGH (Changi General Hospital) and move on! Probably need to prepare my windbreaker. It's gonna be cold! LOL.

Gonna practice my guitar for Thursday's practice. Till then..... to Cheryl, thanks for the nice chat yesterday! Justin, I can't wait to get the MacBook with you..... probably in March 2007. After the Leopard visits us..... I meant MAC OS X Leopard.....

Be Blessed!

In God's Love,
History Maker

Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy Teachers' Day!

Happy Teachers' Day to all teachers around the world! Incidentally, it's Hadi's birthday! Happy Birthday, Hadi! Also, not forgetting, Felicia Ong! It's her birthday too! Happy Birthday, Felicia! It sounds like the CCC Birthday Bash thing. (Both Hadi and Felicia are in CCC Club Management Committee)

Just want to wish Ee-Lyn, a Happy Teacher's Day! Continue to care for your students. Know that you will do a great job, pal! Even wish Justin too! Coz he take care of kids everyday like a teacher. Thanks for being great teachers!

Celebrated for Hadi today at Century Square. We had ice cream! Surprise to him as I was having Poly Forum during the day and didn't expect to end early and manage to celebrate with him. Looks like 4th Sept will be history by then. Wonder how's the preparation?

Poly Forum 2006
Subtheme 5 - Team 3

Prayer chain tonight for YES2! Looking forward to it as it starts in 30 mins time! Poly Cell is taking the 10pm to 10:30pm slot. I pray that the friends we bring will receive Christ and pray that things will never be the same for them. Hope to have an early night today.

Be Blessed!

In God's Love,
History Maker