Updates since last entry..... Rachel was away and I had my good rest, working, etc. Best of all, last week was Chris's and Alina's birthday. We usually have a bigger celebration since their birthdays are very near. In fact, last year we went to Marche and this year, we had STEAMBOAT! It's kinda funny esp the process of booking it, etc.
Tass & Cheryl
Nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves with the numbing spicy soup, tom yam and chicken soup! LOL! Had a fun time with the Music Min peeps. Especially the presents we prepared for them, it's like madness lor! Truly, it's really a fun thing to do once in a while to liven up the spirit.
Had a great rest on Sunday after the madness on Saturday. Didn't feel well but after resting in the morning, it was great to meet up with my mum for lunch and spent the evening with my aunt and grandma. It's been a long time since I've seen my grandma.
Rach came home today and I really miss the laughter! Gonna have a fun time shopping and probably take a dozen more pictures than usual. Wonder what's Justin doing @ DTS. How about the MUGGING Ho Wai, Aurelia and Tina? Or even my dearest Gee Yean kor kor? Hope they are doing well.
Gotta pray for me. I suddenly felt terrible with my stomach. Must be the Japanese food I've consumed this few days. On Sunday, Tuesday and today..... I had Japanese food! Must be crazy lah. Anyway, besides these, I'll just want to rest to make sure I can shop till I drop with Rach.
Till then.....
Be Blessed!