Using it right now, very comfortable. I can really doze off easily. Hope I don't roll out of my room. Let's view the pictures!! LOL.
Big Yellow Comfortable Chair

My new Yellow chair!!

Overview of the big yellow chair

My messy room, my yellow chair. Can't imagine the world war stuck in my room.

My new room arrangement. Comfy!!

I really feel so blessed by my mum and sis. My sis chose the chair, she got the red one and I got the yellow one. so cool!! Mum paid for it..... wah!! Very blessed. I immediately changed my room arrangement on that Monday. That tired monday although I had UT on the next day. Nice arrangement right? More spacous. But anyway, it's like world war 3.. messed up!!
NDP 2005 Preview - Marina South
It was really messed up as we liased with the committees involved. One minute, we were receiving instructions from our overall I/C but next minute different instructions were passed down by the NDP committee & Army personnel. Can't believe that it's still the same after I got out from Army. Somehow I feel disappointed but yet encouraged by our bunch of enthusiatic SAs, whom some got scolded by the school teachers and some got to attend to other students who are not feeling well. I guess it was really a great experience working with the SAs, especially the year Ones and year Twos. Also, thanks to the year Threes for helping out. Though they left earlier, I believe their hearts are with us too. I'm felt so blessed by the comments given by Lynne in regards to SA. On top of that, we did a cheer for SA at the bus stop. That was when Mr Cedric from CCC saw us. LOL. I guess afterall, we are One big RP family, not to mention that SA is really bonded for now. I hope that the new committee will strengthen the bonds.
That's all for now. Gotta go trim my hair later.
In His Love,
Kenny Ong
"Blessed be the Lord God Almighty."
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